Monday, April 30, 2012

Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying

Very Importent Post

What is it?
Cyber bullying is when a person is being bullied by another person, or a gang, through technology, such as texts, emails, calls, chat rooms and social networking sites. Nearly all of us can be contacted 24/7 through our mobile phones and the internet.
Why do people cyber bully?
In some cases, it might be for revenge; they are angry for some reason and want to harm the person that hurt them. They might feel a sense of power, especially because they’re behind a screen and cannot get hurt. It could be because of jealousy, or just wanting to fit in and do what their friends are doing. Whatever the reason, cyber bullying is WRONG and there is NO EXCUSE for it.
What to do?
If you are being cyber bullied, or know someone who is, here are a few things which can help:
·        Do NOT reply! However tempting it may be, if you reply, the other person will only get angrier and the argument will get worse, other people may even get involved. Just try to ignore it.
·        Save all things the messages, emails, texts, etc. Save all the harmful things they’ve said as evidence.
·        Block them and/or delete them off your contacts on your phone (and their friends if necessary), so you can’t receive their messages. Delete them as a friend, so you cannot see the things they’ve written.
·        Report them! If it’s on a social media site, such as Facebook or MySpace, click the report button, and report them for cyber bullying.
·        TELL SOMEBODY! Whether it be your mum, dad, uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather, older sister, brother, teacher, friend, counsellor, tell a trusted adult, who you know will help you.

What are the consequences if you cyber bully?

Obviously, if your parents find out, they will more than likely, take away all your technology devices.  It depends on how serious it is and how long it has been going on for, but cyber bullying is against the law and you CAN and probably WILL have to face criminal charges. You could get a misdemeanour cyber harassment charge and be taken to juvenile court. You may have to see a counsellor and even move schools.

Cyber bullying facts:

·        Nine out of ten middle school students have had their feelings hurt online.
·        Girls are about twice as likely to be cyber bullied than boys.
·        Young people who bully have a one in four chance of having a criminal record by the time they’re thirty.
·        About 75% have visited a website, where they’ve seen a person insulting or fighting with another person.
·        Four out of ten people have had their passwords stolen and their accounts hacked.
·        About 58% of people have been bullied online.

By Annabelle and Erin

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