Friday, April 27, 2012

Sustainability Part 2


Ways To Be Sustainable

Reduce, reuse, and recycle! Reduce the amount of food with packaging you buy, reuse items that can be reused, recycle paper, cardboard, plastic and aluminium and anything else that can be recycled, put them in the proper recycling bins.
Support organic farms. Buy organic food, organic food tastes nicer, is better for you and best of all, is better for the environment, because it is grown naturally, not with chemicals sprayed all over it.
Think globally, shop locally. Think about how you can help the world, but buy things that are Australian made. It is better for the environment, because the food has not been flown for miles in an airplane, therefore less greenhouse gases have been emitted into the atmosphere.
Join an organisation. Join a group to help find new ways to keep our Earth sustainable. Donate to charities and spread the word!
Limit your use of household cleansers. Household cleansers (window spray, air fresheners, etc.) are bad for the environment. The chemicals are released into the atmosphere and kill many native plants and are toxic for animals.
Drive less. Driving releases a lot of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Instead of contributing to global warming, help keep the Earth sustainable by riding a bike, scooter, even roller blades! Walk there instead or take public transport, such as trains, buses or trams.
Go green. Buy environmentally friendly light bulbs, use less electricity, turn off electrical appliances at the wall, make a compost bin and put your veggie scraps in, then put it in the garden.  Time your showers; get solar panels or rain water tanks, if you must use a car, try and get a hybrid one.


See, there are a lot of different ways we can help the environment and help keep our Earth sustainable for everyone. If we all pitch in and do a little, every day, we can keep our Earth pristine for millions more years.

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